A piko for the people, to integrate the reflections of Lono season, before the coming of Ku.

your rhythm is more powerful than the prompts on a page.

remember, we the people, are each, a microcosm of papa herself. When we are guided by her seasons, direct, rather than an interpreted perspective placed on paper, we lessen our degrees of separation and become clear creators with the earth.

Let the Lono integrate

Ho’inana i ke ola, is a piko for the people, to resist the urge to DO, and to rest into the elemental wisdom of rest, of reflection, of restoration, still.

The storms continue to sweep through, the swells are still high, the unveiling of our truest, deepest reflections are still very ripe and raw.

When we give our reflection process space and time to I n t e g r a t e, our go mode is untouchable, and we create, we make manifest, at the speed of light.

Ho’inana i ke ola, is a piko of pause, before the idea of “new year, new you” lands, let’s set the foundation by integrating the reflections that the storms of Lono stirred for us

What’s included:

  • opening ceremony

  • ancient somatic movement practice to inana

  • a place to proclaim the reflections, uncovered

  • 2 pule to integrate

  • 1 oli to enliven

  • 2.5 hours of LIVE, recorded zoom ceremony


Thurs 1/25 @10am HST

Ho’inana i ke Ola

A piko for the people, to integrate the reflections of Lono season, before the coming of Ku.